Sammy Jaye

Sammy Jaye

GMARO Magazine - Celebrity Edition Vol. 25 November 2022



iHeart Podcasts | Spotify | Apple Podcasts - “LET’S BE REAL WITH SAMMY JAYE” PODCAST



When did you decide to become a host?

I started doing celebrity interviews when I was 13, and I fell in love with having candid, fun, and in-depth conversations with people who have a passion and are impacting culture. I love connecting with people and hosting just seemed like a natural progression of everything I've done to date.

If you could have coffee with any historical figure, who would you choose?

What a great question...I would love to have coffee with Lucille Ball because of how much she impacted and propelled the television industry and women in film. Not only do I think she’s one of the funniest actors ever, but she was also a trailblazer for women in the entertainment industry in so many ways.

What was your favorite trip you’ve ever taken?

My favorite trip I have ever taken was this past summer. Over the past year, I have really focused on self-growth and how I can become more independent. In July, I decided that I was going to fly internationally by myself, going to Paris and exploring the city on my own. Though there were bumps along the way, I am so glad I took that trip because it gave me a confidence I didn’t know I had in myself.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I am an extroverted introvert in that I recharge when I am alone and by myself, but I enjoy socializing and being with my friends.

What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing in your role/ business/project right now and how are you tackling it?

I would say one of the biggest challenges that I am currently facing right now is time management. I am very fortunate to be in my fourth season of my podcast, as well as doing other work in the entertainment industry, but I am also a college student, which involves lots of work and studying as well. So, the challenge, if you could call it that, is just juggling it all, prioritizing things, and making sure I’m still able to do it all really well.

At what time of day do you get your best work done?

I noticed I get my best work done in the early afternoon. I’m not sure why, but that’s when I find I’m most creative and productive.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting out in your career?

Don’t take no for an answer. If I had listened to everyone who told me “no” or I couldn’t do something, I wouldn’t have accomplished any of the things I’ve done.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned over your career?

I just turned 20 and have been working in the industry for almost seven years now, so there are so many lessons I’ve learned. A few come to mind, including that no matter how big a celebrity might be, they are just like you and me. We’re all human and all have fears and insecurities. Another lesson I’ve learned is the importance of giving back. I’ve had so many people who have been kind to me and mentored me in my early career, and when I get older, I look forward to helping young, hard-working people in the same way.

What do you aspire to be?

I don’t aspire to be just one thing. I love creating stories of all kinds, so there are many things I want to do. Besides my podcast, I just finished writing a children’s book and am developing documentaries amongst a few of my current projects. One goal I have in the future is to host my own talk show.

What underrated tool(s) are indispensable for your job?

The most underrated tool for my job I think we all take for granted is Google and being able to look up anything there to get an immediate answer.

What’s your favorite color, and what does that say about you?

My favorite color is lavender because I just find it so calming to look at, not sure what that says about me haha.

How do you craft great podcast questions?

I think the most important way to craft great questions is to do a lot of research on your guests. In my opinion, you really need to understand who they are, what they’ve gone through, and their point of view so you can tailor questions in the best way possible. During the interview, I have found the most important thing is to listen, since their answers to your questions usually take you to places you didn’t expect!



Max Mogos

Max Mogos