GMARO Magazine - Celebrity Edition Vol. 27 December 2022





When did you decide that you want to become an Actress?

When I was a kid, I would write skits for my friends and I to perform at recess or at church. Although, I didn’t play fair because I’d usually cast myself as the lead character. I don’t think my friends liked that very much. (Laughs) But storytelling was always something I had been interested in since being on the playground.  I also loved watching television and following the journey of different characters. Whether it was Moesha, Sister, Sister, Full House, or Boy Meets World, I loved seeing what they were going to do next. One day, I asked my dad “is being on TV a job?” He responded “Yes.” I then asked “If I could do that?” He replied, “You can do anything you want to do.” That’s when I decided I wanted to be an actress for a living. I think I was about ten years old. 

Tell us about the toughest part of your work? And why do you think it is tough for you?

 I think the toughest part of my work right now is being away from my family. Sometimes, I go long stretches without seeing them because of filming on location that’s nowhere near my hometown. And even before this chapter in my life, I was always working on plays at different theatre companies around the country. I’ve missed way too many weddings, birthdays, funerals, and family reunions. I’m hoping to find some more flexibility in my schedule soon. 

Every industry, including the entertainment industry, is full of competition; what do you do to stand out amidst competition?

Well, I think the only thing I can do is be myself. That’s the only thing any artist can truly do is be themselves. You’re right, this industry is full of competition and none of us has any control on how the game is played. So, it’s just best to do the work, keep your head down, and stay true to yourself.

Where do you see your career in five years as an actress?

I see myself as the creator, producer, and lead of my own series! That’s my dream!


Did you take up any training in acting?

Yes. I earned an Acting Degree from the Professional Acting Training Program at Wright State University in my hometown Dayton, Ohio. I really wanted to go out of state for college but I realized there was a hidden gem in my own backyard and I’m so glad I decided to go there. I learned so much training at WSU and it truly kick started my professional career as an artist. 

The entertainment industry is said to be full of stress and pressure; what do you do to tackle the pressure that comes with your work?

I’m big on prayer and meditation. This industry can be really stressful and overwhelming, so I like to center myself by spending time God and with myself. I also, like to use exercise as a stress reliever. Really loving my Peloton bike these days!

Describe your last experience on stage.

My last experience onstage was the Off-Broadway World Premiere of All the Natalie Portmans by CA Johnson. It was such a wonderful experience with beautiful people - from the cast to the crew to the producers at MCC Theatre. Unfortunately, our production was cut down because of Covid-19 and that was really hard to experience. Just to pack up and go home and not know what was next in our lives, the world, and for the arts community in general. 

Are you flexible enough to work on short notice as a stand-in? How quickly can you assume a new role?

For sure! I had the opportunity to stand in for a lead role in the Dominique Morisseau’s World Premiere of MUD ROW. The rest of the cast had been in rehearsal for two weeks and I had to come in late to fill in for an actor. I was super nervous but I took on the challenge and got the job done. The director, Steve Broadnax III, was super supportive and a great leader, as was the rest of the cast and it ended up being one of my most proud accomplishments. 



Lady in Pearls

Lady in Pearls