Lexie Stevenson

Lexie Stevenson

GMARO Magazine - Celebrity Edition Vol. 12 September 2022


Emmy Nominated Actress / Singer / Advocate: Lexie Stevenson @lexiestevenson

Twitter: @LexieSTVNSN

TikTok: @lexiestevenson

IMDb: Lexie Stevenson

Photographey: SnapsStudio

PR: ICON PR @icon_pr

What’s something we should know about you that might surprise us?

I absolutely love thrifting and I always will. The Goodwill Bins are my happy place and I completely lose track of time when sifting through them. There is a bigger banner on the wall of the one I go to and it says “The thrill of the find” which is so true. I have found designer vintage pieces such as Prada pants, YSL heels, Alexander Wang shirt, a Christian Dior silk robe, and many more. Some of these pieces I resell on my Depop and others I will keep for myself (like the YSL heels and Christian Dior robe).

Who is your inspiration?

My mom and my dad. My mom has a work ethic unlike anyone I have ever seen and my dad has an incredible amount on honor and love for our family that is unlike anyone I have ever seen. They are a power couple and they make me feel powerful and inspired every day. My parents built a special life for me and I want to make sure I can carry on that magic in my life.

When did you decide that you wanted to become an actress?

I decided that I wanted to become an actress as soon as I found out that I could actually do that for a living. I grew up in the musical theater and I loved taking on any character I could get my hands on. They more diverse the character was the more fun it was for me. Up until my junior year in high school, I thought it was just a hobby. Then I booked my first film role as a concierge in Alvin and the Chipmunks; Road chip and started pursuing acting on a professional level.

Can you Introduce yourself to our audience?

Hi! My name is Lexie Stevenson, I am an actress, singer, and model in that order, and I am from Maine…Ya know? Where your lobster is from? Most people know me from my 3-year stint on The Young and the Restless as Mattie Ashby which was one of the best times in my life. I also just released my first single as a singer called Chocolate Bae. If you haven’t heard it yet you should definitely go give it a listen. 

Why did you choose acting?

This is going to sound really corny but I didn’t choose acting. Acting chose me and I mean that. I never had an issue deciding what I wanted to do as a career. From the second I stepped foot on stage in my first musical (Beauty and the Beast (I was Cogsworth)) I knew I didn’t want to do anything else and this is what made me feel happy and whole.

Can you tell us a bit about your next project?

Yes, I can! The next project that I have coming out is called Katies Mom. It is a spinoff of The Graduate and loosely based on a true story that one of our writers experienced. I can’t give too much away but it is a very funny and highly entertaining movie. The writing is genius and the actors I got to work with were incredible. I can’t wait to see the final cut and see the pages come to life.

What attracts you to a role now?

The writing. If the writing is witty, clever, or funny I am all in. I also love poetic roles with drama but comedy is my bread and butter. There is nothing better than thinking you’re funny and then making other people laugh to confirm that you are funny.

Do you like anything other than acting?

I love singing and music. That's actually where I started and how I found my love for acting. Growing up I would sing all the time. I was that really annoying kid in school who would just start singing in the middle of class for no reason. As I got older my parents decided to put in my vocal training at a performing arts theater. My vocal coach asked if I would ever consider doing musical theater and at the time I was hesitant but after my first musical I was hooked. I loved the people I was surrounding myself with, I loved being on stage and I love people telling me how great I was lol. Ever since then I have decided that I want my main career path to be acting but music will always be my first love and something I do just because it makes me happy. However, I am definitely not opposed to the idea of becoming a rockstar.

Which fictional character would be the most exciting to meet in real life?

Thor for the following reasons. 1.) It’s Thor. 2.) Thor is Chris Hemsworth 3.) He’s funny and could take me to Asgard where I would become a Valkyrie and ride a unicorn.

What is the first thing you do to research and approach a role?

For an audition, I take a Woody Allen approach to most of my work which is done through a self-tape. I write down the key descriptive words from the breakdown sent to me, memorize the lines, and then I go into my self-tape studio and try multiple different approaches to the character until I find one like and then I sit in it and ride the wave. If I have booked the role then I will use the approach I used in the self-tape and coach with my acting coach on it to make it even crisper. I never over-rehearse though because I always want there to be discovered in my work.

How difficult is it to establish yourself in the film industry?

You ever hear that saying “if it was easy everyone would do it”. There’s a reason so few people make it to the break through stage of their acting career. It is very difficult to deal with rejection almost every day and continue to get back up and try again for what could be the thousandth time. The film industry is not for the weak-minded or people who can’t take criticism which makes it extremely difficult. But if you love what you do then it’s completely worth it.

Which is your favorite role that you played as a young actor?

Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast (the play) for a few reasons. The first is that the role is traditionally played or voiced by a male so getting to play it as a female was very funny and gave the character a whole other layer. It was also the first real musical I ever did so the thrill of being on stage for the first time like that is something really special that I will never forget. And last but not least I like my costume. It was a huge triangle shape that stood up on its own so I could go down into it and sit inside of it like it was a house. 

GMARO Magazine - Celebrity Edition Vol. 13 September 2022


Emmy Nominated Actress / Singer / Advocate: Lexie Stevenson @lexiestevenson

Twitter: @LexieSTVNSN

TikTok: @lexiestevenson

IMDb: Lexie Stevenson

Photography: SnapsStudio

PR: ICON PR @icon_pr



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