KG Crown

KG Crown

GMARO Magazine - Celebrity Edition Vol. 17 October 2022


Singer / Songwriter / Actress / Model: KG Crown @kgcrownofficial

TikTok: KG Crown @kgcrownofficial


Facebook: KG Crown @kgcrownofficial1

Twitter: KG Crown @KGCrown1

Photographer: Thom Kerr

PR: ICON PR @Icon_pr

Who inspired you to make music?

God inspired me to make music. I know we all have different religious beliefs and that is wonderful. But for me, it was God. I was seven years old and alone in my bedroom when I heard a voice tell me to “sing to the world.” That day I started singing and never looked back.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I typically create music inspired by the genres of Pop, Hip-Hop, or K-pop music. I like to make really sassy performance driven songs the most. But every now and then I will release a ballad.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I’d love to collaborate with some of the major K-pop groups, Ariana Grande, and Billie Eilish. Those are my favorite artists.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

I would love to open for Black Pink. They are one of my favorite bands and that would be such an amazing experience.

What’s next for you? 

Right now I am in the process of filming a tv show that I unfortunately cannot reveal much about due to confidentiality clauses. But I am excited for you all to watch it soon. I also plan to record some more music and I have been busy songwriting.

What skills have you learned that will help you in your singing career?

I think the one thing that has really helped me as an artist is that I am very trained musically. I started out with classical piano and then started playing guitar, drums, and did vocal lessons. I even play a little bass. I had many incredible teachers along the way and they taught me so much. I am very grateful for them. When I was younger, we had instructors come to our home for lessons and my brothers and I would rotate instruments. We did a lot of training. That really helped me develop as an artist. I am still learning and perfecting my craft. I don’t think that ever stops. There is always room for growth and improvement.

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

LOL! Yes, I do sing in the shower. In fact, my mom tells the story that when I was four years old, I used to go in the shower and sing my heart out. She said I was terrible! She remembers looking at my grandmother and saying, “Oh my, this girl cannot sing!” And now look at me, 11 years later and I am a singer-songwriter!

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

If I was not pursuing music, I would definitely be pursuing an acting career. I love to perform. If I could not do anything in entertainment, then maybe I would be a veterinarian. I love animals. But to be honest, since I was 7 years old I know that singing was my calling and I never really had a plan B.

What is the best advice you’ve been given? 

The best advice I have ever been given was that if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. Sometimes it takes a lot of work and discipline to reach your goals. You have to work hard and believe in yourself even if no one else believes in you.

What is your main goal in your music career?

I want to be a world touring artist.

Which skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a singer?

I am trained in musical theater. I did a lot of musical theater growing up and a lot of dance lessons as well. I think just the experience of performing on stage in front of a live audience has helped me.

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?

Oh gosh yes! My music is like a diary. Every song has a meaning and purpose and story behind it. I tend to write songs based on experiences I have gone through. Music is a way for me to express my emotions.

How often and for how long do you practice?

Honestly, I train daily. I am always singing, playing piano, playing guitar, dancing, or just doing anything I can to improve my craft. I know what I want and I work for it.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to sing as a career?

I would just say do it! Start singing at home. The best advice I was given about singing was told to me by a vocal coach when I was 7 years old. She said you have to start listening to music differently and with a critical ear. Listen for everything! Then practice practice practice!



Mike Silverstein

Mike Silverstein